

Navigating the Emotional Roller Coaster: The Power of Agility in EQ

A picture with descriptors of emotional intelligence and a coffee cup.

This blog post explores the growing need for emotional agility in today’s fast-paced world. It discusses how emotional intelligence (EQ) helps individuals adapt to rapid organizational changes, solve complex problems, and enhance team dynamics. The post offers practical strategies for developing emotional agility, highlights the benefits of the Everything DiSC® Agile EQ™ program available at Carey Springs Farm, and shares personal insights on the journey to improving EQ.

Hay There!

Ongoing droughts are pressuring horse hay production in Indiana and Kentucky, leading to a decrease in the quality and quantity of hay. Key data suggests a significant decline in alfalfa yields, while other hay types present mixed outcomes. The scarcity has raised costs and required nutritional adjustments. Horse owners are advised to plan for shortages, consulting with professionals to maintain equine health and diet balance, consider alternative forage options, minimize hay waste, and share resources and information within the community.

The Origin of Carey Springs Farm

barn at dusk

Carey Springs Farm is nestled within the beautiful terrain that was once part of the Ayrshire Coal Mine. Following the conscientious closure of the mine in 1993, a remarkable transformation of the landscape commenced, driven by the aspiration to restore…